Choose a Plan

100% Money Back Guaranteed for all plans if you're not satisfied with the result.

For additional features not covered for each of the plan here, please let us know your requirements. If you also have special specifications or requirements, kindly contact us using this link.
Note: The price quoted here for Enterprise Plan, Multi Plan and Super Plan are deposits/part payment which will be refunded within 48hours if we couldn't come to terms.

Single Page
  • Responsive design
  • About page
  • Basic SEO
  • Deployment

  • Responsive design
  • About us page
  • Basic SEO
  • Not more than (8) eight pages
  • Product or service page(s)
  • Contact form
  • Deployment

  • Responsive design
  • About us page
  • Basic SEO
  • Not more than (15) fifteen pages
  • Product or service page(s)
  • Contact form
  • Simple search
  • Newsletter/Subscription form
  • Social media integration
  • Deployment

  • Responsive design
  • About us page
  • Advanced SEO
  • Product or service page(s)
  • Contact form
  • Advance search & filtering
  • Newsletter/Subscription form
  • Social media integration
  • Blog
  • Notifications
  • Real time messages
  • Product listing
  • Shopping cart
  • Check out system
  • Users account
  • Order tracking
  • Order history
  • Deployment
  • Other features as may be needed

  • Responsive design
  • About us page
  • Advanced SEO
  • Product or service page(s)
  • Contact form
  • Advance search & filtering
  • Newsletter/Subscription form
  • Social media integration
  • Blog
  • Notifications
  • Real time messages
  • Product listing
  • Shopping cart
  • Check out system
  • Users account
  • Order tracking
  • Order history
  • Custom database integration
  • Advanced analytics & reporting
  • Content management system
  • Other features as may be needed
  • Deployment.

  • Responsive design
  • About us page
  • Advanced SEO
  • Product or service page(s)
  • Contact form
  • Advance search & filtering
  • Newsletter/Subscription form
  • Social media integration
  • Blog
  • Notifications
  • Real time messages
  • Product listing
  • Shopping cart
  • Check out system
  • Users account
  • Order tracking
  • Order history
  • Custom database integration
  • Advanced analytics & reporting
  • Content management system
  • Geo location/google map integration
  • Multi language support
  • Advanced communication/chat room & group messages
  • Custom workflow automation
  • Other features as may be needed
  • Deployment.