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Web Maintenance

At MICB TECH LIMITED, we understand that a well-maintained website is crucial for the success of your online presence and continuous online operations. With rapidly evolving technologies and constant changes in user expectations, keeping your website up-to-date, secure, and performing optimally is essential. Our Website Maintenance Services cater to the diverse needs of businesses and individuals want to ensure their online platform remains top-notch. We offer a comprehensive suite of maintenance solutions tailored to your requirements.

Content Update


We 'll keep your website fresh with new content, blog posts, images and videos.

Software Updates


We ensure that all plugins, themes, and software are up to date to enhance security and performance.

Backup Systems


We implement robust backup solutions to prevent data loss in case of unexpected events. We also carry out regular checks and updates to safeguard your website against vulnerabilities and malware.

Performance Optimization


We optimize the speed of your website to enhance loading time ensuring a seamless user experience and flawlessly performance across various devices and screen sizes.

Technical Support


We monitor your website on a regular basis to identify and address any issues promptly. And we provide technical assistance for support and troubleshooting for any website-related problems.

SEO Maintenance and Analytic Review


We implement strategies to improve search engine rankings and visibility. We also help to review your website traffic and user behaviour for improvement purpose.

Don't let your website become outdated or vulnerable to cyber threats. Let us handle the maintenance while you focus on growing your business. You could contact us by filling out Book Apointment Form today to discuss your website maintenance needs and explore how we can help you stay ahead in this digital business environment.